July 29, 2006


... que me marcaram esta semana.

« Um homem perfeito é como um espelho: não se apega a nenhum de seus reflexos »

do livro Instant Zen, num mail da Conceição

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
Albert Einstein, na assinatura electrónica do Oscar, que está em missão em Beirute...

"Tenho, na verdade, os anos que me restam de vida, porque os já vividos não os tenho mais, como não temos mais as moedas que já gastamos."
Galileu Galilei (?), num mail da Rosa

Férias... / Holidays...

Parece que nos retirámos todos - uns de férias, outros a dar o máximo no trabalho para ir de férias. Além disso, com este calor, ficar em casa frente ao computador... não tem muita graça.
Em meados de Agosto, estarei mais livre, vou ver se arranjo uns 'artistas convidados' para passarem por aqui, vou actualizar as leituras dos nossos colaboradores (mandem-me as vossas sugestões sempre que quiserem) e ver se 'pico' a malta para escrever mais ou, pelo menos, para partilharem a fotos das férias!...

Até lá, aproveitem o Sol! (sempre com protector, claro)

It seems like everybody's out or getting ready for it. Besides, staying in front of the computer when it's so hot and sunny it's a bit silly....
By mid-August, I'll have more time and will see if I find more writers, ask for update on the recommended books (you can email me any suggestions at any time) and see if I can get te regulars to write once in a while or, at least, to share the holidays' photos.

Till then... enjoy the Sun!
(don't forget the sun screen, of course)

July 21, 2006



"the mistress of spices" estreia hoje em lisboa e é um bom filme - exotico.

Lisboa Souk - 22 Julho

Lisboa Souk - 22 Jul: 11h-1h
O Lisboa Souk pretende proporcionar ao público uma viagem interdisciplinar através da música, dança, arte, costumes e sabores da cultura árabe. Massagens e danças orientais, mercado árabe, workshops, tatuagens de Henna, performances, cozinha do Médio Oriente são algumas das propostas presentes neste mercado.

Internet: http://www.lisboasouk.no.sapo.pt/
Informações Úteis: Entrada: 5€ (grátis até aos seis anos)

Obrigada, Ana!

July 18, 2006

Concerto em Mafra - dia 26 de Julho

"Orfeo ed Eurídice"
de Christoph Willibald Gluck

Acção dramática em três actos para Solistas, Coro e Piano
pelo Coral da Esc. Secundária do Bocage
(do qual fazem parte a minha mami e o meu mano David)

Dia 26 de Julho, pelas 22h, no Convento de Mafra.

PS Levem um casaquinho...

July 13, 2006

uma viagem à china e tibete

as fotos estão neste blog do irmão de amigo meu.

acho que realmente esta coisa dos blogs é bom.

bom verão.


July 12, 2006

Feira Mundial do Livro Electrónico

São cerca de 330 mil obras em formato digital, em mais de 100 línguas, que poderão ser descarregadas gratuitamente até 4 de Agosto.
A iniciativa assinala o 35º aniversário da colocação do primeiro eBook online, pelo fundador do Projecto Gutenberg, Michael Hart, a 4 de Julho de 1971, desde então, o número de textos gratuitos à disposição dos internautas não parou de aumentar, o objectivo é chegar a um milhão em 2009.
Entre os mais de 50 títulos em língua portuguesa, encontram-se «Os Lusíadas», de Luís de Camões, várias obras de Camilo Castelo Branco, incluindo «Amor de Perdição», Eça de Queiroz («A Cidade e as Serras», «A Relíquia» e «As Farpas», com Ramalho Ortigão), Florbela Espanca («Livro de Mágoas»), Cesário Verde («O Livro de Cesário Verde»), António Nobre («Só»), Júlio Dinis («Uma Família Inglesa»), Almeida Garrett («Frei Luís de Sousa») e Fernão Lopes («Chronica de el-rei D. Pedro I»).

Obrigada, Ana!

July 11, 2006



gosto deste cantor tem musica calma e tem pasado na sic mulher.

July 07, 2006

Consultas de Numerologia

With Siri Prakash Kaur (Lauren Cherry)

Dating back to early Egypt, ancient India and Tibet. It is the language of numbers, the oldest form of divination. Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and mystic, recognized that everything that we can see, smell, taste, feel and hear... all matter in the Universe vibrates. All vibration can be reduced to a rhythm and all rhythm can be expressed through numbers. Overtime, numerologists were able to attribute certain characteristics to the numbers, or symbols, 1-9. Based upon your birth date and birth name, through numerous calculations, this method tries to gaze into the secrets of the divine wisdom, to better know 'Who', 'Where', and 'Why' we are. And 'What' we need in order to nurture ourselves, stay happy, healthy, and to express our true potential. Just as the tides ebb and flow, so do our personal cycles. Time is of the Essence. Trying to defeat the forces of hurricane winds at sea is very hard!... but working in harmony with the universal consciousness may create pure abundance.

Consultations with Siri Prakash Kaur
A way of illumination, support and inspiration through the language of numbers.
The Universe has a unique agenda for each individual, it forever wants you to manifest to your highest potential. You will draw to you, people, places, things and circumstances that you must pass through or stay with, in order to progress to the next step along this path. Everyone possesses inside himself or herself the power to manifest their deepest dreams, and to contribute that dream, in a notable way in their lifetime. This is our soul’s calling. Gain insight into how to manage your challenges, and maximize your talents. Find your nugget of inspiration and nourishment. Release fears that impede you. Improve your health. Consultations with Siri Prakash are coupled with simple, and potent 1,000’s of years old yogic healing tools that you can incorporate into your life, to support your specific mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being. You will feel the benefits from one session.

Find Your Ideal Match
Dating, marriage, divorce, family, business partnerships.
Siri Prakash has developed a unique method to determine relationship compatibility. Find out if you are ‘meant to be’… soul mates, friends or colleagues. Unveil the purpose of this relationship in your life, even before you invest your heart. Learn how to communicate most effectively with your partner. Understand both of your needs, desires and blocks. You’ll need to know the correct spelling of the name and the full date of birth is helpful.

Siri Prakash Kaur (Lauren Cherry) has been practicing the 'Art' of numerology for one and a half decades, drawing from the depths of her warmth, wisdom and sensitivity as an artist, innovator, yogi and teacher, to inspire and illuminate others. She is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher, and certified Sat Nam Rasayan Healer. In 1990 she developed and began employing her original numerological system of matchmaking and relationship analysis. She maintains private numerology clientele throughout the United States, and Japan. She teaches Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, who has given her the spiritual name Siri Prakash Kaur ‘The Princess of the Great Light’. She has engaged in Kundalini yoga for almost a decade, and brings to her readings ancient yogic technology and knowledge, to offer real solutions that work to balance your mind, body and spirit. She currently teaches private and group yoga classes in New York City and Maine. She offers private yoga sessions based upon your numerology chart, offering a unique way of healing. As an artist, she has delighted clients ranging from museums and Fortune 500 companies to royalty with her paintings for almost 2 decades. Her works have been published in numerous interior design journals, and she has had the honor of a faculty position at one of the top art colleges in the country, where she first began teaching her knowledge of painting, creativity, and the intuitive process.

Available for private consultations, parties & events worldwide. Gift certificates available.
Telephone: (718) 857-0140 NY, NY. USA. Email: numerologylink@earthlink.net
All content copyright ©2006 Lauren Cherry. All Rights Reserved.

July 05, 2006

Aproveitando o pretexto do futebol

"Tenhamos orgulho neste país. Agora não nos agrada mas com trabalho e dedicação, podíamos ir mais longe. "Levantai hoje de novo o esplendor de Portugal"
Logo... 2-0 para irmos jogar com a Itália. ;)
Bjs, Susie" 17h13

Temos de ganhar confiança e auto estima.

Beijos, João" 17h32

Até agora, mais ninguém me respondeu... Porque concordam ou porque não concordam??

July 01, 2006

4th of July - Heavenly sky show

People in the US will have the greatest show but we can all check for the Moon and Jupiter! :)
