January 15, 2006

Oryx and Crake

by Margaret Atwood

This has been my bedside book for a bit more than a month now. Almost finishing it... buaaahhh!... :(
I’ve been wanting to tell you my impression on it but… a post is just too short. I’d need a real coffee by a fireplace :) Plus telling too much would spoil the fun of those who might actually like to read it (Daniel? Renata? and a few others).
So…I’ll transcript a part of the back cover, what made me bought it in Barajas just before I left, for “travel reading”.

“(…) Margaret Atwood gives us a keenly prescient novel about the future of the humanity – and its present.
(…) Atwood re-creates a time much like our own, when Snowman loved an elusive, degraded girl called Oryx and a sardonic genius called Crake, who wanted to correct some glitches in the human experiment. Out of their relationship comes a book that it is at once a nightmarish revision of Genesis and an all-too-plausible postscript to the Apocalypse.”

My book is from Anchor Books. For more, go to http://www.oryxandcrake.com/ (I haven’t checked the site yet).

For a glimpse of what’s currently being done in real life (“What is real?”, Crake would say…), read this: Mice created with human brain cells

And there is much more…Just follow the science news topics and channels. Humans are doing amazing things!...
The question is (as usual...) are we evolving as quickly morally, ethically, emotionally… as we are technologically?

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